Jason Wittman


My Coach Jason’s Tips for Winning at Life

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Suggested Books and Readings
of Interest to People in Recovery

(When possible, I have linked the title of the books below with Amazon.com so that you can easily acquire them at a reasonable price.)

Stage II Recovery: Life Beyond Addiction by Earnie Larsen. This is the book for people who have been in recovery long enough to have worked the Steps through, at least once, and who are ready to deal with the rest of their lives now that substance abuse and addictions are no longer the issue. Definately a companion book to my coaching.

Stage II Relationships: Love Beyond Addiction by Earnie Larsen. In the same mode as Stage II Recovery but in this book he take the one chapter on relationships and give it a full book treatment. Another companion to my relationships coaching.


More to come, check back often.

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