Suggested Books and Readings
of Interest to People Interested
in Improving Themselves
(When possible, I have linked the title of the books below with so that you can easily acquire them at a reasonable price.)
The Portable Coach: 28 Sure Fire Strategies For Business And Personal Success by Thomas J. Leonard
I recently was turned on to this book and it has rapidly become one of my bibles. It describes his 28 principles of attraction. He describes attraction as:
"What if a person could consistently attract the good things in life - opportunities, strong finances, rewarding relationships, really useful and desirable material things, self-satisfaction - instead of striving, scuffling, or otherwise struggling for them? What if a person could learn how to become more attractive? (In the sense defined above, not in surface glamor - unless you want that, too.) What if all the squabbles and annoyances in most people's person and professional lives could be subtracted, to be replaced by big expanses of free and/or productive time?"
This book delivers specific guidelines to achieve the above description. It is a thought provocing masterpiece.
More to come, check back often.